Sunday, September 02, 2007


I just wanted to catch up on my blogging. It is 2 AM Monday morning and I got home about 40 minutes ago. I spent my evening serving food, drinks, and a dinosaur cake to about 200 people out west of the city. I have reached the end of my catering run and I am fuh-kin exhausted. I never thought that I would long for the comfort of my office chair (big ass factory that it is). Unbelieveable. If I don't cater for a long, long time I will be happy. I had completely forgotten how brutal it can be. And I am so fucking out of shape it isn't funny. I think the only reason I survived is because I finally started going to the gym again three weeks ago! The one thing that got me through the night was Paris. Granted it wasn't as bad as last week's wedding when I worked in 102 degree heat. Once I got home that night it took me over three hours to get my temp back to normal.
The people tonight were great. Extremely nice and laid back. I worked their rehearsal dinner last night. It is always odd when entering a complete strangers home and taking over all of the public spaces they have created. You enter the house and begin looking around for art (well that is what I do). This simple reason is that, I went to art school, but I also think that people in the Boston area tend to have a great deal of art in their homes. It is important to them either personally or professionally. Having art hanging in a home denotes a certain intellectual curiosity or knowledge that carries a great deal of cultural and social weight.
When I was catering in Rhode Island the art in clients' homes was rare. It was there but often notable for that fact. Degrees of weath perhaps? Social scenes? The people this weekend actually were artists, at least the mothers of the Bride and the host of the rehearsal dinner were. I didn't really get a sense of the grooms family. The brides family were so much more social and present (personality wise).
I'd like to write more but I am so fuckin tired I'm not going to.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I do the same thing when we're shooting in a rented house. It's always amazed me what people leave for us to find. I mean, they know they're about to have a full on crew come through and use their space, did they think we wouldn't notice the amateur porn pix on the nightstand? Poor model was laughing so hard that we had to go back and fix her makeup before shooting anything else.

PS Responded to your comment on my blog, but Blogger doesn't have an alert function for that. Sucks.