Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Half Naked Mormons mmmmmmm....oh wait. That is so wrong!

I have given up writing about Paris. Not my fault really. Our apartment was broken into and well, I no longer have a laptop nor photos loaded onto said machine to make my story that much more interesting and visually engaging. I am up late tonight with a bout of insomnia and came across this story from the Sydney Morning Herald. I wish I had something better to give you on my return to blogging but hey...half naked Mormon missionaries is all I got.
Sure, they went a little over board on the body grease but I think a half naked Mormon is better than one in a tie banging on my door. oh wait. Perhaps this is a continuation of that fantasy I had...


Mike said...
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Mike said...

Okay, this had me all hot and bothered until I saw that the t-shirts come in Dutch Oven Brown. Wrong on so many levels.


Alden said...

You could probably use that tie to do some other kinds of banging.