Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Yet another one.

Okay, okay, okay. I promise to do better with this whole blogging thing. I have been a bit distracted. Semester is in full swing. How do I know this since I am no longer a student? Well, let me tell you folks. I have begun my second semester as a teaching instructor and as I sit here typing this up I am consiously ignoring a stack of papers that are in dire need of grading. You know, at the end of last semester and my marathon evenings of grading I promised myself that I would not let this happen! I would do better and be more conscientious! That is out the window. At least for this week.
I am doing better in watching the films beforehand. That's good, right?
I also have a paper looming over me. I am presenting a paper at a conference in SF in March. I am really only re-writing a paper from a previous one but still. I need to jump on that shit.

Anyway. I am outa hea. Leaving the office and heading out into the cold.
I am way over this whole winter thing.


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