It appears that I can post from work. I have tried and tried and for some reason when I go to compose from Gmail I get blocked. Well,I have discovered a way in. That is excellent. I shall begin complaining about my life and everything in it anew!
Lets start with today shall we?
Here is this mornings course of events:
Today was take the kitten in to be spayed day. C booked the zipcar so we could do this. However, he booked it for 8PM not 8AM. I arrive at the parking lot to find no car. Call up zipcar ready to begin screaming at someone only to have my customer service rep deride me for my own (or rather C's) stupidity. I had to walk about a mile and a half away to Kendall Square to pick up the "new" reserved car. Get in car head back to pick them up.
Turns out the vet was throwing up copiously and had cancelled our appointment.
I then leave for work and green line is moving behind schedule. I sit at Lechmere for 15 minutes in the cold.
Get to work at 9:25, compile a report fast and furiously for a 10 o'clock meeting. The meeting is subsequently cancelled at 9:55 just as I finished photocopying and collating.
Check my bank account and it turns out that the bank had autocharged C's student loan payment from my account because the original account (our joint account) had been closed by us last month. The bank decided to take it out of my account without my approval so I was overdrawn by $400. with an additional $60 overdraft fee. I had to storm down to the bank only to have them tell me that they couldn't do anything because I opened my account at the Dartmouth St. branch and I had to deal with them! I wrote my office number down and told "Victor" that he should resolve this and when he did to give me a call, then I stormed out.
And all of that took place before 11 AM.
I really needed a cocktail! Liquid lunch anyone?
Dare I go to the gym today? Who the hell knows what can go wrong next! I am being very good with my gym attendance. I have been four days a week for the past month. My Express button down shirts no longer have uncomfortable stretching points in the middle regions of my torso.
On a happier note we gave our students an extra week to write their final papers. Which means no grading this weekend!!!Huzzah!
I am exhausted from the pace of this semester. I have been shuttling back and forth from downtown to campus twice a week and I am seriously ready to be done with it! Of course now that one of my former professors knows that I am interested in doing the instructor side gig he has recruited me for the spring. The added appeal being that I will be at Harvard and hopefully not have to deal with poor writing skills. MIT students are smart but writing skills? Not so much. I have had students who have never written a paper...NEVER! I'm sure they can work the fuck out of a problem set but analyse a film? Clearly not.
I guess that is enough for now. Back to websurfing, I mean work...