Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hurst's Diamond Skull finally sells.

It appears that Damien Hurst's diamond encrusted platinum skull has finally sold.
An investment group has paid $100 million dollars for it.
What was that I posted earlier about the possible collapse of the high end art market? I guess we can disregard that. Apparently those hedge fund people still have plenty of cash to throw around. This is on top of the over $300 million that Hurst's show in June brought in. He has apparently strong armed his gallery into a 30/70 split.

Things, gorgeous things!

Perhaps I should have clarified my new position mentioned in the previous post.
The investment bank that I used to temp for came chasing after me with a job offer. I gave them a figure which they matched and added a bonus on top of. I start on the 4th. Unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier, I agreed to cater for a few weekends doue to our impending jaunt to Paris on the 19th. This company has agreed to give me the vacation time as part of my hiring package. it is a win-win situation. I really like the people I will be working with. They are not the group of 12 year olds I currently have to deal with at my present place of employment.
I have also been asked to TA an undergrad film class at MIT. This company has also graciously allowed me to do so even though it is technically against corporate policy.
I'll have more on this later.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

shit happens

It has been a few days since I have posted. I feel like I should put something up here.
News: I got a job offer - finally - and I took it, good money and vaca and a whole lot of free time. I am honestly quite confused by it.
I've really got nothing to say. I just wanted to post this clip from Mr Show.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sobriety? Nah!

Not a whole lot happening this weekend. I am trying to enjoy the free time before I lose my weekends. Starting next Sat I beging a three week catering marathon. I need some extra money (like there is such a thing) as we are leaving for Paris in a few weeks. I will lose weekends but gain some loot. I suppose it is better then sitting on my ass drinking all weekend.
Speaking of drinking I have given up beer for the duration. I thought it would be difficult but now I don't really mind. I had a couple of Guinness' on Friday and, yes they were tasty, but I know they will be waiting for me when I return to beer.
I need to lose twenty pounds or so and as a wise friend once told me "no one ever lost weight drinking beer." Now I've not gone totally crazy sober! I'm still enjoying my old friend alcohol. Instead I have a diet cocktail. Vodka, soda, and a splash of Cran. It is about 80 calories vs. 200-300 in a beer. I don't really like it that much either which means I drink less of them. It is all part of my scheme. That and I have started going to the gym 4 or 5 times a week again. I should be back to my old weight by summer?

Stupid aging! Damn you sedentary lifestyle!

Friday, August 10, 2007


I think I was in a game design class with this kid.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Michel Gondry

I had the pleasure of meeting and having lunch with Michel Gondry. I subsequently participated in a Q & A with him at a university event. He is one of the nicest, most amazingly talented people I have ever met. He is so frickin cool and a kick ass artist. I love him.
He has a new film coming out called Be Kind, Rewind. It looks so fun and smart. It is due December 21st.
I am psyched.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Movie Madness

So C and I have been in a bit of a movie blitz.
We went to see Harry Potter and the Simpson's Movie. Then watched a couple of horror things On Demand - Silent Hill, Dawn of the Dead (remake), I still have to see Transformers before it leaves the big screen.
Harry Potter - just okay. the novel was pared down quite a bit, many characters removed yet it still felt like it was burdened by a cumbersome narrative. There were times when I thought I was watching a TV mini-series or perhaps Degrassi on the N. Action scenes were done fairly well. Ending felt rushed. Overall I'm glad I saw it but it was one of the more lackluster of the series. Alas. That said, Daniel Radcliffe was very yummy to watch (thankfully now past the age of consent).

Simpson's - Started off with a bang. Great series of jokes that was quickly derailed by a narrative built for a feature film. I wished that they had carried over the TV programs tradition of multiple narratives all unraveling at the same time. But no. All the great secondary characters were represented but relegated to either cameos or quick flashes as background filler. Still liked it though. Two words: Spider-pig!

Silent Hill - Fun, cheesy, gory horror film based on the video game. They managed to carry over the mood and tone of the game. Several scenes were taken directly from the game. Unfortunately the storyline devolved to a rather annoying hell/damnation scenario. I was disappointed.

Dawn of the Dead remake - made by Zack Snyder (300) who will now be helming the Watchman. This film is awesome. I love the fact that the zombies run not shamble.
Kick ass. Best scene: chainsaw accident in the van. This movie rules.
