Wow, I can't believe so much time has gone by.
Damn. Well, I guess I'll post something. Today I reached the point where I could no longer read news sites. I just so got frustrated and annoyed with the way our government is turning. Congress went ahead and passed the revised FISA compromise giving major companies immunity and expanding the government's ability to spy without a warrant. The Supreme Court went ahead and cut Exxon's penalty significantly to the detriment of the communities who's livelihood's were destroyed and the also threw out the ban on handguns. While I am a fan and true believer in a hands-off methodology of government I am astounded at the argument that in this day and age people need to have and use handguns. Gay people can't get married (except for two states) but we are certainly free to purchase a gun for whatever purpose we chose. It is distressing and disheartening. I am especially disappointed in Obama and his repeated stances both on the Supreme Court's ruling on the death penalty for child rapists and his refusal to take a stand on gay marriage. What does it say when you are all for execution as a punishment and fail to stand up for people to have the right to marry? I don't believe in execution. It isn't a deterrent. The United States is one of the few countries in the world that still executes. It puts us in the astounding company of China, Myanmar and Russia. Which of course, given the state of the union (in terms of liberties and such) we are in fitting company.
It truly makes me sad for all of us. I'm tired of being upset at the way our country treats people inside and out. I think it is time to move to another country.