The day is finally here. Tonight we get on a plane and head to Paris. I am dreading the trip for several reasons, none of which have anything to do with reality.
1. started new job - feel kinda guilty that I am leaving so soon. But they knew that when they hired me. They just finished training me on some big reports that I had to spend the past three days training someone else on so it gets done for me.
2. Missing a recitation section. They also knew this when they hired me to teach it. Still feel guilty having another instructor cover for me. I'm compensating by grading papers on the plane.
3. Leaving the children home alone - our neighbors are gonna watch them. A is going to come over and do schoolwork so they will have someone present (probably more then usual as we are out so often). I realise they are just cats but still...
4. Instead of taking Air France and having a non-stop trip we are going British Air and laying over at Heathrow. It has been several years since I went through there but I do recall it being a complete pain in the ass. All at five in the morning. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
This is all made up for by actually being in Paris for a week. I must admit I am a new convert to the joys of Paris and France. I am much more of a Germanic-phile having studied German language & films along with traveling to Berlin many times. I love it, love it, love it. Paris is growing on me. I love Berlin but it was such a freaking pain to find good food - I gather this has changed quite rapidly. Several friends who have been recently have raved about new restaurants etc.
Anyway, we bought a new camera and our hotel has wi-fi so I'll be posting from Paris. If...blogger actually works this time. I tried doing it last year but couldn't get blogger to load. We'll see.
peace out y'all.