Monday, March 10, 2008

Blah, blah, blah

So I am trying to keep up to date on this thing but it is kinda hard when nothing really happens in my life. Had a nice weekend. Friday night was hectic and drunk-filled. I got my first Newbury St Salon haircut. I'm not sure how I like it. It looked very different when I left the salon. My hair was gelled to extreme and shaped into some pompadore thing. I felt very fetching and architectural. I have yet to be able to reproduce this. For me it just flops down. Whatever, I paid $40 for an $85 dollar cut. It looks much better then when I go to Supercuts.
I am struggling with the writing again. I just can't wrap my brain around my paper topic. I only have a week and a half left before I present it. I need to get my shit together. I'm not too worried about the paper sucking since I am presenting it at 8 AM on a Saturday morning. Don't think I'll be overwhelmed by the crowd. I'm more worried about getting my ass up in time!
Oh, the one sheeter for the new Indiana Jones film has been released. People are going gaga over it. I'm not so impressed. Trailer is pretty fun though.

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