Friday, May 06, 2005

whatever happened to Jody Watley?

ahhh coffee in the morning and Jody Watley cranking on the TV. Can a morning get any better? She really was a hottie. Doing male drag and shit! and this was what, 1990?
God! Vh1 followed Jody with Wet, Wet, Wet! what the fuck was this band thinking? English people create some fucked up bands. Does anyone remember Bros? with the twin albino-looking brothers? They rode the initial Kyle Minogue pop wave. maybe they didn't get to America. They certainly subjected Australia to their crap-pop.
Anyway. yesterday was spent making strides on my thesis proposal. that and doing laundry, going to the gym and ending at the B-side for treats. A reward for creating something out of nothing!
I have the feeling I am writing a book not a "masters thesis." It is growing and growing beyond my initial idea.
hilarious website of the day:
Sorry I haven't figured out how to do a hotlink on this thing so just copy and paste people.
Its not that hard.

more later. off to spend the day with Deleuze. half in french, half in english. should be interesting. I don't understand french.
Cartman quote of the day, "French people piss me off."


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