Tuesday, September 27, 2005

insomnia & performance art

insomnia. it is four in the morning. I wake up when C goes to the bathroom. I begin thinking about how much I have to do today. Forget it. There is no going back to sleep for me. I have a paper due at 2 this afternoon. I meant to tackle it today to give myself time tomorrow for a rewrite. Never happened. I spent the day at the MFA shooting video for a performance by Zhang Huan. It was amazing and a great opportunity however I should have made time for writing. whatever.
In the hour and a half that I had free I went wandering around the museum. It was nice. its been a while since I have done that. When I worked there I used to spend time every week or so just wandering and looking around. It tended to be very soothing. If my day was going crazy and people wouldn't leave me alone I could disappear into the galleries. As my days get more and more full of things I need to accomplish NOW, quiet time has become extremely rare. Granted I have been spending time working (job not schoolwork) and when not working I am hanging out with C. I kinda want the weather to get shitty so that I will lock myself in the library. When it is nice out I am not so inclined to do work. funny how that is...

I think I'll try and write some of that paper now.


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