Monday, September 18, 2006

Sounds like someones got a case of the Mondays!

Oh dear, back to the grind. I don't know how long it takes to grow accustomed to this whole up early and off to work schedule but my body is really resisting. Granted it's been 10 years (if not ever) that I have had to maintain this schedule this consistently. I would do it during the summers while temping but that was only for the summers! I would gleefully return to my normal sleeping schedule come labour day! But it isn't stopping. There is no more school for me. No more MFA job that allowed me to stroll in at the comfortable hour of ten. NADA! Over, finished. The "real" world has intruded upon my life of leisure. For some reason they frown upon tardiness here. I get all of my day's work done in two hours and then spend the rest of the time farting around the internet. That is time I could be spending at home, sleeping, playing video games, all kinds of things.
damn it.

Speaking of games C bought the new Star Wars Lego game yesterday and spent much of the evening glued to his xbox. It is safe to assume that that will be standard behaviour for him for the rest of the week.
I on the other hand have been getting harrassed by people who seem intent on publishing my writing. I have two essays coming out in books this fall/spring and for some reason the editors seem to think that it is my job to re-work them! Isn't that why they are known as "editors?" One is a paper for crazy woman Sherry Turkle and the other is for a local arts group that has gotten funding to put together a book. I will be contributing the paper I gave at Duke in June.

Fuckin eh. Monday's suck. My head hurts and I hardly even drank any beers last night. it is worse than Sat morning and I drank a hell of a lot more on Friday.
Friday nights drink list:
four Guinness
Three PBR
Two Margarita
Two bud lights.
= fubar. cab ride home + pass out = good times.

There might have been more but that is all I can remember.
We got up Sat morning and made the left over mexican food for breakfast! Es muy bueno!
oooh! it is almost lunch time. I have to decide what I am going to have today. It's pretty sad that this is a barometer of how my day is progressing.


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