Tuesday, November 08, 2005

and baby makes three

So C and I have added a child to our household, an eight week old blue point siamese cat.Her name is Mame. She is very cute and a complete terror! I haven't had a kitten around in quite a while. I had forgotten what a handful they are. I hope to turn her into a fat lazy cat as soon as possible!
We drove out to Ohio to pick her up. Spent three long days in a car. One day out and two back. Stayed in a really crappy hotel off of I90 in Syracure. It was really nasty and the cat wouldn't shut up all night long. I believe that there were some nasty animal smells going on in that room that she really didn't care for. There were some that I didn't care for either! blech!
This begins my crazy travel month. I am off to NYC for our CMS/Sloan media trip on Thursday. I also have to be there for my Harvard class. We are meeting with the curator of the Guggenheim on Sat.
We had to pick which companies we'd prefer to meet with last week. The list was fairly short but had some good names. I got all of my first choices somehow...
I'll be meeting with Weinstein Co, New Line Cinema, Atari and the Independant Film Channel. I bought a suit just for this day. I believe I ranted about it some days ago. Turns out that we are to dress "business casual" damn it! I'm wearing my suit anyway. I'll just leave out the tie. I am so not doing the khaki thing! If I make people feel bad because I am somewhat dressed up then to god damn bad.

ugh! Mame is calling me.




TK8103 said...

Good lord... good luck with the kitten. Those Siamese are loud ass cats!

Mike said...

I'm glad you've decided to wear the suit.

Khakis are too safe. (I say this with some authority since I market 'em for a living.) Going in the opposite direction of ripped jeans/t-shirt has become cliche.

All that being said, ties are a tool of the devil and should only be worn as headbands during serious air guitar sessions.