Monday, October 31, 2005

my life or something like it

so I am taking this class on memoir. By the end of the semester we are supposed to have some sort of story written about our lives. I think I might have to use this blog as a test site. I'm not sure how this will play out. I feel secure knowing that only two people read this. and I trust them both completely. However, I always felt my history was rather complicated. Knowing my audience, I believe that all of our lives are complicated. Perhaps the illusion is that lives are simple? We move through them with the belief that our experiences are singular. but perhaps the very fact that we are human and grew up in a heavily mediated culture leaves a common mark upon us all?
I sit here at one in the morning listening to seventies music. Old school Michael Jackson is playing in the background. I remember being very small, I was always the shortest person around. I believe I was under five feet tall well into my teens, perhaps until I was 17? Stupid short French genes.
I guess I was 11 or so. I shared a room with my brother (much to his embarrassment I am sure). He is significantly older than me, about 8 years. The year is 1980. At the time I am a huge fan of both disco music and Star Wars. There is a guy in our neighborhood who dresses up as Darth Vader. he is my brothers age. he does not hang out with my brother, he wants to hang out with me. I thought that was really cool. We played Star Wars. I was Luke to his Darth. Sometimes he would dress up as Spiderman or Captain America and do store events. I thought this was normal, kinda cool in fact. My parents did not agree. I was really sick at the time. I had pretty chronic asthma. I believe that this is why (to this day) I don't smoke cigarettes. I would steal my father's Kools and pass them to my sister and her friends. I wasn't supposed to run or play outdoor games that might even require a fast pace. My parents kept a watchful eye on me. Any site of me running and I was dragged into the house kicking and screaming.
Anyway, the point being my parents vigilence with my behaviour. They finally forbade me from hanging out with this guy. They started to think that he might be a little creepy. I didn't get it. Creepy how? they wouldn't say.
Flash forward a few years. This guy is in jail. it started with him peering into people's windows, a little bit of peeping tom thang. Unfortunately it escalated into him being caught with young boys of the neighborhood.
I don't mean to conflate the whole costume thing with pedophilia, it seems in poor taste given that it is Halloween and all. but that is my story and I am sticking to it.
Annoyingly enough I seem to attract many of these "caring older folk" as I become a teenager. And they are caught being child molesters. Thank god I was unattractive and misanthropic from the start.



Mike said...

i'm guessing i'm one of the two, but i'm also guessing that you may have a few more readers than you think

the door's wide open on the internet and people have a tendency to peer in at you as they pass by...i see pretty regular link throughs from my site to yours

Mike said...

and by no means was that comment meant to discourage your use of the blog as a test site

if they can't take the heat - fuck 'em