Thursday, March 16, 2006

I got nothing

I have decided that writing here is a good way to get started on writing a paper. I can ramble without any pressure to "write well" or something like that. I have set a date for my thesis defense. it will take place on May 2nd. I am to give my presentation on April 21st. I should proabably get started on writing the fuckin thing. but I wish to get Turkle's paper and the conference paper finished and out of the way. Clear up the brain space.
I accomplished a bit yesterday and met up with C and friends in town. I was going to see Andrea Fraser do a reading from her new book at the ICA but I came to the realisation that listening to others talk about art is probable the least productive thing I can do right now.
I went and bought the new Belle and Sebastian CD yesterday. So far, so good.
hmmmm I got nothing else. oh wait! have I mentioned lately how much I hate the fuckin libraries at MIT? I need a quiet place to sit and write and there is nothing. I invariable end up at the Sloan library which always empty as the Sloanies have better things to do than go to the library and read.

I'm out...

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